Steffen (>), Fagyal (>>):
>> However, performance is an issue. I would not mind running into
>> bugs, writing some extra code to work around missing stuff, etc.,
>> but right now it is just hard to find any projects (for me - YMMV)
>> where performance would not be a blocker.
> I suggest to start using it as replacement for sysadmin automation
> tasks. The same way Perl started to replace sh/sed/awk. This would not
> need all the funky OO or FP features you get with Perl 6 but many of
> those tasks are not speed critical and still of practical use and
> would already benefit from the syntax cleanup compared to Perl 5.

I'll take this opportunity to announce 'pun', a small Perl 6 project
to emulate the behaviour of the -p and -n flags in Rakudo. (The name
'pun', believe it or not, doesn't stand for anything in particular.)


The principle behind it is easy: you just type 'perl6n' instead of
'perl6 -n'. Same thing for 'perl6p' and 'perl6 -p'.

$ ./perl6p -e .=flip # here's a rev clone

I find this is an excellent way to start using Perl 6 for simple
sed/awk-like tasks today. Maybe some of you will too.

If you try pun and would like to comment, critique, patch, document,
or otherwise improve the software for the greater good of the Perl 6
community, please don't hesitate to contact me, via email or #perl6 on

// Carl

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