Putting this in a new thread, as I'd like to discuss it separately
from refinements to Array.rotate

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jon Lang<datawea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With a multi-dimensional array, a number of transforms can be considered:
> * you can rearrange the elements along a given dimension (e.g., rotate
> and reverse).

Hmm, we have an Array.reverse already, which I think flattens a
multi-D array before reversing it. Maybe it could take an adverb (:by
?) to let you specify which dimension(s) to reverse, though I can't
think of anything satisfactory to specify an axis set. Or maybe
there's a "reflect" method on Array for reversing along an axis, or

> * you can rearrange the dimensions themselves (e.g., transpose).

Reflecting on 2 or more axes creates a transposition. Maybe it makes
sense to have a separate transpose, defined in terms of reflection.

There's still more reshaping possibilities, some of which is already easy eg

my @tall[2;8] = (1 .. 16);
# tall  (1,2; 3,4 ; 5,6; ... etc)
my @wide[8;2...@tall;
# I think wide is (1 .. 8; 9 ..16)

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