On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 08:01:50AM -0700, Daniel Ruoso wrote:
> <ruoso> rakudo: multi a (Str $a, Str $b) { [+$a, +$b] }; multi a (Array
> $a, $b where '+') { [+] @($a) }; ('1', '2', '+').reduce: &a;
> <p6eval> rakudo fb2fd4: OUTPUT«Unknown introspection value
> 'pos_required'␤in method Any::reduce (src/gen_setting.pm:3226)␤called
> from Main (/tmp/MvPkx61zJn:2)␤»

At present C<reduce> doesn't work well with multisubs, as it's
not certain how to find the arity of the (multi)sub to pass
along to reduce.

It may be that we want reduce to simply assume arity 2.


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