On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 08:37:20AM -0700, Richard Hainsworth via RT wrote:
> >> my @a=1,2,3,4; my @b=9,8,7,1; say (@a minmax @b).perl
> >
> > While rakudo doesn't implement infix:<minmax> yet, the operator is
> > constrained to having two elements on either side, so the above code
> > wouldn't work anyway.
> I took
> @a minmax @b
> from the Spec.

Yes, the spec mentions C< @a minmax @b >; it also says that the
result would be  (@a[0] min @b[0], @a[1] max @b[1]) .  So in
your example above, would you expect the result to be (1, 8) ?


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