On Mon Mar 02 01:03:30 2009, ml...@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de wrote:
> Rakudo 08b789048:
> ./perl6 -e 'class A { submethod BUILD(*...@a) { say @a.perl } }; A.new(x
=> 3)'
> Could not locate a method 'perl' to invoke on class 'A'.
> Now that's bad. BUILD shouldn't receive the initially created object,
> but the same arguments that .new received.
Indeed, and after fixes a while back, this issue is now resolved.

<@jnthn> rakudo: class A { submethod BUILD(*...@a) { say @a.perl } };
               A.new(x => 3)
< p6eval> rakudo 1831bd: OUTPUT«[]␤»



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