On Mon Jun 29 00:36:42 2009, fernandocor...@gmail.com wrote:
> implemented:
> - "not" "Object"'s method
> - "sign" "Num"'s method
> Thats my first time to send a patch, I don't know if its OK, but I really
> want to help.

Thank you for the patches!  However, they may need some refactoring (or
at least some consideration) before they should be applied:

Object.not:  In general, we've decided that operators should be defined
in terms of methods, instead of defining methods in terms of operators.

Num.sign:  I suspect this really belongs in class Any, since we would
expect to be able to take the sign of an Int or Str.

    my $a = "-3";
    say $a.sign;    # should produce -1

This may also be a case where we don't define the method in terms of an
operator (especially since the <=> operator may be overloaded in this
case).  But I'm less certain about this one, and would accept a patch
that uses <=> here.


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