On Sun Oct 26 12:27:26 2008, masak wrote:
> Rakudo r32151 contains a bug which makes it "read" a nonexistent blank
> line at the end of files.
> $ wc README | awk '{ print $1 }'
> 102
> $ <README ./perl6 -e 'my $l = 0; while !$*IN.eof { $l++; my $dummy =
> =$*IN; }; say $l'
> 103

IO.pod:1207 claims that "IO.eof" is gone, to be replaced with
C<IO::Endable>.  But I can't seem to find any specification or
documentation on Endable.

So, I'm converting this ticket to a specbug, in hopes that p6l or
someone can sort it out.

If it turns out that IO.eof still exists, then should it continue to
have the Perl 5 behavior of performing a getc/ungetc to check EOF?


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