On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 02:13:03AM -0700, Moritz Lenz via RT wrote:
> On Tue Jun 30 23:35:04 2009, matt-w wrote:
> > This patch moves operator infix:<leg> to the setting. S03 says it's
> > defined in terms of cmp, so that's what this does. The old PIR
> > implementation was slightly more complex, and I'm not sure why, but
> > this doesn't seem to need it to pass its spectests.
> I'm a bit puzzled by the current design, which this patch still
> preserves: leg is a more primitive operator than cmp, so I'd expect leg
> to be implemented in terms of even more primitive operators (either PIR
> level, of lt, eq, gt), and then cmp to be defined in terms of leg and
> <=>, depending on the type.
> Maybe pmichaud has some comments on this?

I don't have any strong comments on it -- from a design perspective
I can go either way.  I suspect there's a reason that the present
design is factored the way it is... but I don't know the reason offhand.
Perhaps we need to ask perl6-language.

More generally, the infix:<cmp> operation itself is a little suspect;
I have an outstanding request for clarification [1] that I've been
told is being worked on, but I haven't heard any official word back yet.

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/perl.perl6.language/msg/c2f534edb0ab6c42

Since the proposed patch matches the current spec, I'm inclined to
accept it, at least until we have some more clarification in the spec
or from perl6-language.


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