On Thu, 9 Jul 2009, Mark J. Reed wrote:

A few months ago (or maybe more) I proposed making pathnames their own
type, distinct from (or perhas a subclass of) strings, but easily
constructed from strings, maybe with an operator.  Having those 29
single-letter methods on such a class would not bug me as much as
having them on Str.

See S32/IO document for a rough outline I did of this some time ago. Feel free to hack away at it. Note that the documentation is spread across - IO::FSNode
-       IO::FileNode (does IO::FSNode)
-       IO::DirectoryNode (does IO::FSNode)
-       IO::LinkNode (does IO::FSNode)

There's also an IO::FSNodeACL class for handling permissions, but that's only if you actually *want* to use these; the Unix ones are still there too.

I got part way through speccing this, and then was told that my idea for Tree-related classes couldn't be part of the core, and so I'd have to monkey-patch them on afterwards; at that point, I went back to working on Tree, and left the Filesystem stuff alone.

(Tree-related classes could be a role composed into both filesystem node classes, and Match thingies returned by grammars, but alas, monkey-patching will be necessary :) ).


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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