On 2009-Jul-8, at 3:41 pm, pugs-comm...@feather.perl6.nl wrote:
=item log
+ our Num multi method log ( Num $x: Num $base = Num::e ) is export
Logarithm of base C<$base>, default Natural. Calling with C<$x == 0> is an error.

It occurs to me that "log" is a pretty short name for a function I rarely use. (In fact, I'm not sure I've ever used it in perl.) On the other hand, I -- and a thousand or so CPAN modules -- are always logging stuff in that other popular computer sense. (All right, that number isn't exactly the result of a rigourous study... I did find 57 modules that mentioned logarithms.)

The inertia of tradition weighs heavily here, but perhaps we could call it ln(). (If anyone asks, I'm prepared to say with a straight face that it stands for "log (numeric)".) And/or log(), but with the :base arg mandatory -- then as long as your status logging doesn't have a :base, you can have both.


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