> Rakudo Zengi would be the most (in)appropriate, I think.

Why do I get the sense that some in the community are suffering siege
mentality? ;)

I had thought of things like Zen, Zero, Catalyst, etc.

But I love * | Star | Whatever. I love:
  o  The word Star, regardless of its connection with Perl 6.
  o  Insider reference to a cool feature of Perl 6.
  o  Rakudo* as an alternate that invites footnote-fu.
  o  Evoking "whatever works" instead of all of Perl 6.0.0.
  o  Evoking "whatever" to invite ongoing definition of what it is.

This latter point is the most exciting for me. "What is Rakudo Star?
Well, it's..."

I would love to see this meme encouraged, the notion that we all get
to continuously (re)define just what Rakudo Star is.

love, raiph

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