On Tue May 19 06:04:42 2009, masak wrote:
> <masak> rakudo: class A { method postcircumfix:<( )>() { 42 } }; my $a
> = A.new; say $a()
> <p6eval> rakudo 222993: OUTPUT«invoke() not implemented in class 'A [...]
> <Matt-W> masak: awww
> <masak> Matt-W: so close! :/
> <moritz_> ticket it!
> <Matt-W> I guess it's not noticing the custom operator before it
> decides to do a sub call
> * masak whips out a TODO rakudobug

It's resolved now, plus tests in S13-overloading/typecasting-long.t for
this are now passing and being run.



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