Jon Lang kept his promise:

> I promised some further thoughts; here they are:

Much appreciated.

> As written, declarator aliasing attaches the alias to a piece of code,
> and draws both the name and the alias from that.  What about using a
> special case of the declarator block for this?  That is:
>    class Database::Handle { #=alias
>        has IO $!handle; #=alias
>        my Bool method open ($filename) {...} #=alias
>        =for para
>            Note that the A<method> method of class A<class>
>            stores the resulting low-level database handle
>            in its private A<has> attribute.
>    }


>   class Database::Handle { #=>
>       has IO $!handle; #=>
>       my Bool method open ($filename) {...} #=>
>       =for para
>           Note that the A<method> method of class A<class>
>           stores the resulting low-level database handle
>           in its private A<has> attribute.
>   }

Definitely interesting ideas, especially the second one. My concern
would be that they compete
with the #= blocks which might also be needed on such declarations.

> Regardless of what syntax you use for declarator aliasing, I'd also
> recommend some sort of numbering scheme if you alias more than one
> declarator of the same type in the same lexical scope:

It's definitely an issue I hadn't considered properly. However, I
think the correct
solution is not numbering (which is always fraught with problems when subsequent
maintenance adds an extra declarator in the middle), but rather naming. Like so:

    class Database::Handle {
        has IO $!handle;

        =alias open
        my Bool method open ($filename) {...}

        =alias close
        my Bool method close() {...}

        =for para
            Note that the A<open> method of class A<class>
            stores the resulting low-level database handle
            in its private A<has> attribute, while the A<close>
            method closes that handle.

I know this looks redundant. But the whole point of logical names is you
don't have to change them when the physical name changes:

    class Database::Handle {
        has IO $!handle;

        =alias open
        my Bool method open_file ($filename) {...}

        =alias close
        my Bool method close_and_sync() {...}

        =for para
            Note that the A<open> method of class A<class>
            stores the resulting low-level database handle
            in its private A<has> attribute, while the A<close>
            method closes that handle.

> If you adopt the declarator block basis for declarator aliasing, you
> could even let the documenter choose his own names:
>    class Database::Handle { #=>
>        has IO $!handle; #=>
>        my Bool method open ($filename) {...} #=>m1
>        my Bool method close () {...}         #=>m2

> An unrelated possibility would be to allow empty A<> tags in a
> declarator block, with 'A<>' being replaced with the name of the
> declarator to which the block is attached:

These are both very useful ideas.
I'll ponder them carefully in preparation for the next revision.

Thanks, Jon!


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