I've been wondering about lenses recently. The page at http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~harmony/ seems to give an overview, and I know that augeas also uses lenses.

It seems to me that a grammar can be thought of as a one-way lens. I was wondering whether the bi-directional idea might be interesting in this context. It seems to me that, at the moment, when we want to do a format conversion, we:
-       Read the data in with a grammar
-       Output the data with something like Form.pm

I'm wondering if there isn't some way that the whole thing can be turned into lenses.

Anyway, I'm sort of half thinking out loud, and wondered if anyone had any relevant thoughts.

| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+>++ PGP->+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI++++ D G+ e++>++++ h! y-

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