Just got error from new clone rakudo directory, Viz.

rich...@jupiter:~/Development$ git clone git://github.com/rakudo/rakudo.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/richard/Development/rakudo/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 22035, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5908/5908), done.
remote: Total 22035 (delta 16176), reused 21484 (delta 15720)
Receiving objects: 100% (22035/22035), 2.92 MiB | 925 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16176/16176), done.
rich...@jupiter:~/Development$ cd rakudo/
rich...@jupiter:~/Development/rakudo$ perl Configure.pl --gen-parrot
Generating Parrot ...
/usr/bin/perl build/gen_parrot.pl --prefix=/home/richard/Development/rakudo/parrot_install --optimize

Checking out Parrot r42403 via svn...
Can't exec "svn": No such file or directory at build/gen_parrot.pl line 47.

Configuring Parrot ...
/usr/bin/perl Configure.pl --prefix=/home/richard/Development/rakudo/parrot_install --optimize
Unknown option: prefix
Unknown option: optimize
Unable to locate parrot_config

To automatically checkout (svn) and build a copy of parrot r42403,
try re-running Configure.pl with the '--gen-parrot' option.
Or, use the '--parrot-config' option to explicitly specify
the location of parrot_config to be used to build Rakudo Perl.

Building Parrot ...
Unable to locate parrot_config

To automatically checkout (svn) and build a copy of parrot r42403,
try re-running Configure.pl with the '--gen-parrot' option.
Or, use the '--parrot-config' option to explicitly specify
the location of parrot_config to be used to build Rakudo Perl.

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