Author: lwall
Date: 2009-11-17 19:37:41 +0100 (Tue, 17 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 29113

[S02] more clarifications from TheDamian++

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2009-11-17 18:22:58 UTC (rev 29112)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2009-11-17 18:37:41 UTC (rev 29113)
@@ -2735,10 +2735,11 @@
 =item *
-Complex literals are similarly indicated by writing an addition of
+Complex literals are similarly indicated by writing an addition or subtraction 
 two real numbers without spaces:
+    3-1i
 As with rational literals, constant folding would produce the same
 complex number, but this form parses as a single term, ignoring
@@ -2870,6 +2871,7 @@
     a => $a             :$a
     a => @a             :@a
     a => %a             :%a
+    a => &a             :&a
     a => $$a            :$$a
     a => @$$a           :@$$a (etc.)
     a => %foo<a>        %foo<a>:p
@@ -3500,10 +3502,10 @@
     foo:                #   label       -- must be label at statement boundary.
                                         -- ILLEGAL otherwise
     foo: bar:           #   two labels in a row, okay
-    .foo:               # $ 1     -- must be "dot" method with : args
+    .foo: 1             # $ 1     -- must be "dot" method with : args
     .foo(1)             # $     -- must be "dot" method with () args
     .foo                # $      -- must be "dot" method with no args
-    .$foo:              # $_.$foo: 1    -- indirect "dot" method with : args
+    .$foo: 1            # $_.$foo: 1    -- indirect "dot" method with : args
     foo bar: 1          #    -- bar must be predecl as class
                                         -- sub bar allowed here only if 0-ary
                                         -- otherwise you must say (bar):
@@ -3586,6 +3588,8 @@
     __END__             =begin END
     __DATA__            =begin DATA
+[Note: this paragraph is speculative and subject to drastic change
+as S26 evolves.]
 The C<=begin END> Pod stream is special in that it assumes there's
 no corresponding C<=end END> before end of file.  The C<DATA>
 stream is no longer special--any Pod stream in the current file

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