
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 09:39:13AM +0100, pugs-comm...@feather.perl6.nl wrote:
> -    constant Dog $fido .= new;      # okay: a constant Dog object
> -    constant Dog $fido = Dog.new;   # same thing
> -    constant Dog $fido = $fido.new; # wrong: invalid self-reference
> -    constant (Dog $fido .= new);    # wrong: cannot use .= with parens
> +    my Dog $fido .= new;      # okay: a constant Dog object
> +    my Dog $fido = Dog.new;   # same thing
> +    my Dog $fido = $fido.new; # wrong: invalid self-reference
> +    my (Dog $fido .= new);    # wrong: cannot use .= inside signature

s/constant Dog/Dog/? Or am I missing something?


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