> I'm looking forward to Perl 6, and I'm looking into the spec right
> now, since that to me is the important bit of a language (I know,
> I'm bizarre).

Not at all bizarre, P6 language spec development is the most important
bit going on in the language right now. Well, that plus all the
interesting implementations clarifying how it works & where it works &
where it doesn't work & making it work!

> I see at http://feather.perl6.nl/syn/
That site looks like an up-to-date mirror of the spec as it exists in
the repository, so it's a good place to browse.

>that a lot of
> the language spec is still under development, and some bits still
> aren't written (or drafts are available, but not on that page). I'm
> particularly interested in those - what information is available on
> them?

This list and the #perl6 irc channel, plus just a week ago we started
getting weekly recaps-


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