On Wed Jan 13 14:15:22 2010, m...@kli.org wrote:
> Here are two files; one works (shows a match), and one errors with
> get_attr_str() not implemented in class 'Integer'
> in Main (file src/gen_setting.pm, line 324)
> ==========================================
> # This one works:
> use v6;
> grammar Simpl {
>    token xxx { 'x' }
>    token c { 'c' }
>    token end { '!' }
>    token xc { <xxx>*<c> }
>    token xend { <xxx>*<end> }
> }
> my $sample="cx!";
> my $answer=($sample ~~ /<Simpl::xend>/);
> say $answer.perl;
> # This one does not:
> use v6;
> # grammar Simpl {
>    token xxx { 'x' }
>    token c { 'c' }
>    token end { '!' }
>    token xc { <xxx>*<c> }
>    token xend { <xxx>*<end> }
> # }
> my $sample="cx!";
> my $answer=($sample ~~ /<xend>/);
> say $answer.perl;
> Note that the only difference between them is whether or not I'm 
> the grammar Simpl as a namespace for the regexps or leaving them 
at top 
> level.  If my understanding of grammars is correct, using a grammar 
> this way should be optional; I ought to be able to use the tokens 
> directly.  Any ideas?

Yes. The problem boils down to this:

$ perl6 -e '"" ~~ /<end>/'
get_attr_str() not implemented in class 'Integer'

In other words: as, a workaround, rename the token you call 'end' to 
something else.

This is a name collision of some sort. There's something called 'end' 
somewhere in the PGE machinery. We've had similar bugs before, 
notably <http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57864>. (The 
symptoms are different in that one, but the underlying cause is the 
same or similar.)

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