At present. But the development process has not reached a stage where compiling the main program produces any real benefit.

By the way, if you have used 'make install', then all you need is

/full/path/to/binary/perl6 scriptfile.p6 [args args args ...]

rather than
parrot /full/path/to/binary/perl6.pbc scriptfile.p6

I put a link to the perl6 binary in my path, so all I do is
perl6 scriptfile.p6

Also, you can then do a bare

... and you can enter one line programs from standard input. This is a quick way to test whether bits of code work.


Tadeusz Sośnierz wrote:
On 29-01-2010 17:03:14, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
Unless things have changed recently, it is possible to compile a
module to pir, and 'use' the module in the main program. Rakudo
correctly links in the code.

It was not possible to compile the main program to pir, which should
in any case be called with parrot.

Note that in your example perl6.pbc is expecting a perl script, not pir.

But it is possible to compile the main program to pir, then have a
short perl6 script to 'use' the module.


Well, so the only way is to compile everything as modules, and short
main script which will use the module and be compiled every time? Do I
understand it right?


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