On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Kiffin Gish wrote:

On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 19:00 +0100, Moritz Lenz wrote:

Kiffin Gish wrote:
How can recall previous commands (history) using ./perl6 without getting
^[[A^[[A instead?

You need to have readline development files installed when configuring
and building Rakudo, then it just works[tm].

I do have the readline support installed, e.g. CPAN works fine recalling
previous commands.

He's making a distinction between support for pre-compiled programs (ie. stuff you download in packages), and programs you compile yourself. On an RPM-based system (like Fedora or Redhat or SuSE), this means you need the "readline-devel" package as well as "readline". Debian/Ubuntu has a similar system, although I think they might call it dev-readline or something.

In the configure steps it should say

Sorry, but what do you mean by 'configuration steps' do you mean when I
initially install everything?

Yes, that's the one. When you go to compile and install your own software, there are generally four steps:
1.      Acquire (ie. download) software
2.      "Configure" software (this is traditionally you choosing what options
        the program will be compiled with, but these days is often fairly
        automatic in figuring things out)
3.      Compile software
4.      Install software

        Hope this overview helps.

auto::readline -      Does your platform support

Then reconfigure and rebuild rakudo, and you should be happy.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
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