Author: lwall
Date: 2010-03-26 08:38:16 +0100 (Fri, 26 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 30205

[specs] Make it clear that pairs are *not* related to subscripts, but the
corresponding fatarrow semantics in particular, name extenders are just
strings or list of strings, properly indicated by :<> or :() in most cases
(this includes all operator names).  Forbid name extension using :{}, and
since names may no longer be extended with :{}, we can free up that notation
for supplying a closure as a first argument to a method without an intervening
space.  (We can't also get rid of the colon, or it's a hash subscript.)

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2010-03-26 04:10:22 UTC (rev 30204)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2010-03-26 07:38:16 UTC (rev 30205)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
     Created: 10 Aug 2004
-    Last Modified: 12 Mar 2010
-    Version: 208
+    Last Modified: 26 Mar 2010
+    Version: 209
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 2, which covers small-scale
 lexical items and typological issues.  (These Synopses also contain
@@ -2919,14 +2919,14 @@
-    infix:['+']
+    infix:('+')
 Despite the appearance as a subscripting form, these names are resolved
 not at run time but at compile time.  The pseudo-subscripts need not
 be simple scalars.  These are extended with the same two-element list:
     infix:<?? !!>
-    infix:['??','!!']
+    infix:('??','!!')
 An identifier may be extended with multiple named identifier
 extensions, in which case the names matter but their order does not.
@@ -3280,10 +3280,10 @@
     16 => $somevalue    :16($somevalue) radix conversion function
     '' => $x            :($x)           arglist or signature literal
     '' => ($x,$y)       :($x,$y)        arglist or signature literal
-    '' => <x>           :<x>            identifier extension
-    '' => «x»           :«x»            identifier extension
-    '' => [$x,$y]       :[$x,$y]        identifier extension
-    '' => { .say }      :{ .say }       adverbial block
+    '' => <x>           :<x>            name extension
+    '' => «x»           :«x»            name extension
+    '' => ($x,$y)       :($x,$y)        name extension
+    '' => { .say }      :{ .say }       adverbial block (not allowed on names)
 All of the adverbial forms (including the normal ones with
 identifier keys) are considered special tokens and are recognized
@@ -3314,6 +3314,22 @@
 standard Perl 6 grammar knows the current set of infix operators,
 for instance.)
+Only identifiers that produce a list of one or more values (preferably
+strings) are allowed as name extensions; in particular, closures
+do not qualify as values, so the C<:{...}> form is not allowed as a
+name extender.  In particular, this frees up the block form after a method
+name, so it allows us to parse a block as a method argument:
+    @stuff.sort:{ +$_ }.map:{ $_ * 2 }
+These might look like it is using pairs, but it is really equivalent to
+    @stuff.sort: { +$_ }.map: { $_ * 2 }
+and the colons are not introducing pairs, but rather introducing
+the argument list of the method.  (In any other location, C<:{...}>
+would be taken as a pair mapping the null key to a closure.)
 Either fatarrow or adverbial pair notation may be used to pass
 named arguments as terms to a function or method.  After a call with
 parenthesized arguments, only the adverbial syntax may be used to pass
@@ -3327,8 +3343,9 @@
 Note that (as usual) the C<{...}> form (either identifier-based
 or special) can indicate either a closure or a hash depending on
-the contents.  It does I<not> always indicate a subscript despite
-being parsed as one.  (The function to which it is passed can I<use>
+the contents.  It does I<not> indicate a subscript, since C<:key{}> is
+really equivalent to C<key => {}>, and the braces are not behaving
+as a postfix at all.  (The function to which it is passed can I<use>
 the value as a subscript if it chooses, however.)
 Note also that the C<< <a b> >> form is not a subscript and is
@@ -4414,16 +4431,16 @@
     category:<prefix>                           prefix:<+>
     circumfix:<[ ]>                             [ @x ]
     dotty:<.=>                                  $obj.=method
-    infix_circumfix_meta_operator:{'»','«'}     @a »+« @b
+    infix_circumfix_meta_operator:('»','«')     @a »+« @b
     infix_postfix_meta_operator:<=>             $x += 2;
     infix_prefix_meta_operator:<!>              $x !~~ 2;
     infix:<+>                                   $x + $y
     package_declarator:<role>                   role Foo;
     postcircumfix:<[ ]>                         $x[$y] or $x.[$y]
-    postfix_prefix_meta_operator:{'»'}          @array »++
+    postfix_prefix_meta_operator:('»')          @array »++
     postfix:<++>                                $x++
-    prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:{'[',']'}    [*]
-    prefix_postfix_meta_operator:{'«'}          -« @magnitudes
+    prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:('[',']')    [*]
+    prefix_postfix_meta_operator:('«')          -« @magnitudes
     prefix:<!>                                  !$x (and $x.'!')
     q_backslash:<\\>                            '\\'
     qq_backslash:<n>                            "\n"

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2010-03-26 04:10:22 UTC (rev 30204)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S03-operators.pod   2010-03-26 07:38:16 UTC (rev 30205)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
     Created: 8 Mar 2004
-    Last Modified: 19 Mar 2010
-    Version: 199
+    Last Modified: 26 Mar 2010
+    Version: 200
 =head1 Overview
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'+&'} >>, numeric bitwise and
+C<< infix:('+&') >>, numeric bitwise and
     $x +& $y
@@ -805,13 +805,13 @@
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'+<'} >>, numeric shift left
+C<< infix:('+<') >>, numeric shift left
     $integer +< $bits
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'+>'} >>, numeric shift right
+C<< infix:('+>') >>, numeric shift right
     $integer +> $bits
@@ -836,13 +836,13 @@
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'~<'} >>, buffer bitwise shift left
+C<< infix:('~<') >>, buffer bitwise shift left
     $buf ~< $bits
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'~>'} >>, buffer bitwise shift right
+C<< infix:('~>') >>, buffer bitwise shift right
     $buf ~> $bits
@@ -1573,7 +1573,7 @@
 =item *
-C<< infix:{'=>'} >>, Pair constructor
+C<< infix:('=>') >>, Pair constructor
     foo => 1, bar => "baz"
@@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@
 =item *
 C<< -> >> becomes C<.>, like the rest of the world uses.  There is
-a pseudo C<< postfix:{'->'} >> operator that produces a compile-time
+a pseudo C<< postfix:('->') >> operator that produces a compile-time
 error reminding Perl 5 users to use dot instead.  (The "pointy block"
 use of C<< -> >> in Perl 5 requires preceding whitespace when the arrow
 could be confused with a postfix, that is when an infix is expected.
@@ -4219,7 +4219,7 @@
 or you can let the system autogenerate one for you based on the
 corresponding infix operator, probably by currying:
-    # (examples, actual system may define prefix:[**] instead)
+    # (examples, actual system may define prefix:(**) instead)
     &prefix:<[*]> ::= &reduce.assuming(&infix:<*>, 1);
     &prefix:<[**]> ::= &reducerev.assuming(&infix:<**>);
@@ -4325,7 +4325,7 @@
 User-defined operators may define their own identity values, but
 there is no explicit identity property.  The value is implicit in the
 behavior of the 0-arg reduce, so mathematical code wishing to find
-the identity value for an operation can call C<prefix:{"[$opname]"}()>
+the identity value for an operation can call C<prefix:("[$opname]")()>
 to discover it.
 To call some other non-infix function as a reduce operator, you may

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod       2010-03-26 04:10:22 UTC (rev 30204)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod       2010-03-26 07:38:16 UTC (rev 30205)
@@ -2439,11 +2439,11 @@
 Therefore C<$()> is usually just the entire match string, but
 you can override that by calling C<make> inside a regex:
-    my $moose = $(m:{
+    my $moose = $(m[
         <antler> <body>
         { make body => $<body>.attach($<antler>) ) }
         # match succeeds -- ignore the rest of the regex
-    });
+    ]);
 This puts the new abstract node into C<$/.ast>.  An AST node
 may be of any type.

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod    2010-03-26 04:10:22 UTC (rev 30204)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S06-routines.pod    2010-03-26 07:38:16 UTC (rev 30205)
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
     Created: 21 Mar 2003
-    Last Modified: 19 Mar 2010
-    Version: 130
+    Last Modified: 26 Mar 2010
+    Version: 131
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 6, which covers subroutines and the
 new type system.
@@ -367,14 +367,13 @@
 Operators are just subroutines with special names and scoping.
 An operator name consists of a grammatical category name followed by
 a single colon followed by an operator name specified as if it were
-a hash subscript (but evaluated at compile time).  So any of these
-indicates the same binary addition operator:
+a one or more strings.  So any of these indicates the same binary addition 
-    infix:{'+'}
-    infix:{"+"}
+    infix:('+')
+    infix:("+")
 Use the C<&> sigil just as you would on ordinary subs.
@@ -393,7 +392,7 @@
     sub circumfix:<LEFTDELIM RIGHTDELIM> ($contents) {...}
-    sub circumfix:{'LEFTDELIM','RIGHTDELIM'} ($contents) {...}
+    sub circumfix:('LEFTDELIM','RIGHTDELIM') ($contents) {...}
 Contrary to Apocalypse 6, there is no longer any rule about splitting an even
 number of characters.  You must use a two-element slice.  Such names
@@ -403,7 +402,7 @@
 do.  (Symbolic references do not count as direct subscripts since they
 go through a parsing process.)  The canonical form always uses angle
 brackets and a single space between slice elements.  The elements
-are not escaped, so C<< PKG::circumfix:{'<','>'} >> is canonicalized
+are not escaped, so C<< PKG::circumfix:('<','>') >> is canonicalized
 to C<<< PKG::{'circumfix:<< >>'} >>>, and decanonicalizing always
 involves stripping the outer angles and splitting on space, if any.
 This works because a hash key knows how long it is, so there's no
@@ -1848,16 +1847,16 @@
     circumfix:<( )>
-    infix_circumfix_meta_operator:{'»','«'}
+    infix_circumfix_meta_operator:('»','«')
     postcircumfix:<( )>
-    postfix_prefix_meta_operator:{'»'}
+    postfix_prefix_meta_operator:('»')
-    prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:{'[',']'}
-    prefix_postfix_meta_operator:{'«'}
+    prefix_circumfix_meta_operator:('[',']')
+    prefix_postfix_meta_operator:('«')

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod     2010-03-26 04:10:22 UTC (rev 30204)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod     2010-03-26 07:38:16 UTC (rev 30205)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
     Created: 27 Oct 2004
-    Last Modified: 7 Mar 2010
-    Version: 99
+    Last Modified: 26 Mar 2010
+    Version: 100
 =head1 Overview
@@ -393,11 +393,11 @@
 not C<Callable>, C<Iterable>, or C<List>.
 Another form of indirection relies on the fact that operators are named
-using a variant on hash subscript notation, which gives you these forms:
+using a variant on pair notation, which gives you these forms:
-    $x.infix:{$op}($y)
-    $x.prefix:{$op}
-    $x.postfix:{$op}
+    $x.infix:($op)($y)
+    $x.prefix:($op)
+    $x.postfix:($op)
 Generally you see these with the literal angle bracket form of subscript:
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@
 But it's probably better to spell out the syntactic category when
 the actual operator is not obvious:
-    $x.infix:{$op}($y)
-    $x.prefix:{$op}
+    $x.infix:($op)($y)
+    $x.prefix:($op)
 You must use a special syntax to call a private method:
@@ -453,13 +453,29 @@
     .doit(1): 2,3       # okay, one argument plus list
     .doit (): 1,2,3     # ILLEGAL (two terms in a row)
-In particular, this allows us to pass a closure in addition to the
+In particular, this allows us to pass a final closure in addition to the
 "normal" arguments:
     .doit: { $^a <=> $^b }              # okay
     .doit(): { $^a <=> $^b }            # okay
     .doit(1,2,3): { $^a <=> $^b }       # okay
+    .doit(1,2,3): { $^a <=> $^b }       # okay
+Normally a space is required after the colon to disambiguate what
+follows from from a pair that extends the previous name.  However,
+names may not be extended with the C<:{}> pair notation, and therefore
+it is allowed to drop the space after the colon if the first argument
+to the method is a closure.  Hence, any of the above may be written
+without the space after the colon:
+    .doit:{ $^a <=> $^b }              # okay
+    .doit():{ $^a <=> $^b }            # okay
+    .doit(1,2,3):{ $^a <=> $^b }       # okay
+    .doit(1,2,3):{ $^a <=> $^b }       # okay
+These are parsed as there were a space there, so the argument list may
+continue if the closure is followed by a comma.
 In case of ambiguity between indirect object notation and dot form,
 the nearest thing wins:
@@ -491,6 +507,13 @@
     @list.grep({ $_ % 2 }).map({ $_ - 1 }).say
+Since the colon does not require a space in this case, and it looks
+kinda funny to put it, it may be clearer to omit the space to make
+the method calls on the right look more like they attach to the term
+on the left in one cascade of method calls:
+    @list.grep:{ $_ % 2 }.map:{ $_ - 1 }.say
 Methods (and subs) may be declared as lvalues with C<is rw>.  You can
 use an argumentless C<rw> method anywhere you can use a variable,
 including in C<temp> and C<let> statements.  (In fact, you can use an

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