My own take on 'trusts' is that I consider its main purpose is to let programmers *avoid* contrivances when they want to define something that would otherwise be a single class but is split into multiple classes for better elegance. For example, say you want to define a graph of some kind, and for elegance you have a separate container and node and side classes, even though conceptually these are all integrated parts of a whole. Say in this case your container class has a list of all its child nodes and each node has a pointer to its container. Often you'd want to invoke a method which would then ensure that pointers in both classes are updated but you don't want it to be possible for users to just update one or the other but not both. Sounds like private, but 'trusts' makes it work well. Suffice it to say I consider 'trusts' to be very important but best used for limited cases like what I mentioned. -- Darren Duncan

Sean Hunt wrote:
On 03/26/2010 04:16 PM, Jason Switzer wrote:
Also, this discussion of "trusts" piqued my interest; this sounds like a bad
idea. Those of you who have worked extensively with C++ should bemoan
"trusts" as much as friend classes. They break encapsulation for special
cases, almost encouraging truly hideous object models that ultimately become
purely public (painful on a large scale). I can't stress enough that if
these are of similar nature, "trusts" should be removed. I'm all ears though
if someone knows of a reason why they're more useful than onerous.

-Jason "s1n" Switzer

Here's the C++ FAQ Lite's answer to that:

I'm not necessarily sure that this applies to Perl 6 too much (I really haven't paid a ton of attention to access control), but I've always considered C++'s friends to be roughly equivalent to Java's package-private in terms of where they fit into one's notion of encapsulation - this is not to say that they are the same thing!

Sean Hunt

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