On Sat Aug 08 20:44:24 2009, ajs wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:13 PM, Carl Mäsak <cma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Moritz Lenz (>), Aaron Sherman (via RT) (>>):
> > >>> say Str.^methods[0]
> > >> sprintf
> > >> [...]
> > >>> say Str.^methods[0].name
> > >> pred
> > >
> > > Yes, there's a method 'pred'. So what?
> >
> > I, for one, find that pair of results... surprising. If the method
> > object stringifies to its name, shouldn't the above two print the
> > same?
> >
> Yes, that was the one that had me scratching my head the most. I was
> to figure out which usage was correct, and was getting different, but
> seemingly "correct" answers. Is the name of this method "sprintf" or
> or am I getting both in some sort of odd quantum super-positioning?

.^methods has had an overhaul in the latest Rakudo and seems sane
now...at least:

> say Str.^methods[0]
> say Str.^methods[0].name

But also it passes a bunch of tests (S12-introspection/methods.t). So,
resolving this ticket.



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