# New Ticket Created by  Peter Lobsinger 
# Please include the string:  [perl #74996]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=74996 >

eliminates warnings when compiling p6opaque.c
diff --git a/src/pmc/p6opaque.pmc b/src/pmc/p6opaque.pmc
index 6d04256..3c1718c 100644
--- a/src/pmc/p6opaque.pmc
+++ b/src/pmc/p6opaque.pmc
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ static STRING *Perl6Role_str;
 static STRING *postcircumfix_str;
 static STRING *proxy_str;
 static STRING *pun_helper_str;
-static STRING *item_str;
 static STRING *select_str;
 static STRING *Sub_str;
 static STRING *Submethod_str;
@@ -307,7 +306,6 @@ pmclass P6opaque extends Object need_ext dynpmc group perl6_group auto_attrs {
         postcircumfix_str            = CONST_STRING(interp, "postcircumfix:<[ ]>");
         proxy_str                    = CONST_STRING(interp, "proxy");
         pun_helper_str               = CONST_STRING(interp, "!pun_helper");
-        item_str                     = CONST_STRING(interp, "item");
         select_str                   = CONST_STRING(interp, "!select");
         Sub_str                      = CONST_STRING(interp, "Sub");
         Submethod_str                = CONST_STRING(interp, "Submethod");
@@ -400,7 +398,6 @@ back some kind of iterator to let us get all of the possible candidates.
                 !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, ACCEPTS_str) &&
                 !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, isa_str) &&
                 !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, item_str) &&
-                !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, item_str) &&
                 !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, defined_str) &&
                 !Parrot_str_equal(interp, name, FETCH_str)) {
             /* Look up closure maker, clone it, attach name and return that. */

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