# New Ticket Created by  Paweł Pabian 
# Please include the string:  [perl #75316]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=75316 >

[18:32] <bbkr> rakudo: say 1...1..0 # this one kills Rakudo, should it be 
check for valid type on right side of ... operator? 
[18:32] <p6eval> rakudo a4d326:  ( no output )
[18:32] <colomon> bbkr: it should work
[18:32] <colomon> it's a ... bug
[18:34] <colomon> bbkr: actually, what error does it get?
[18:34] <colomon> (and looking at it again, it shouldn't work, exactly.)
[18:34] <colomon> (oh, I see, no output)
[18:35] <bbkr> no error, looks like infinite loop
[18:35] <colomon> rakudo: say 1..0
[18:35] <p6eval> rakudo a4d326: OUTPUT«␤»
[18:35] <colomon> rakudo: say 1...()
[18:35] <p6eval> rakudo a4d326:  ( no output )
[18:35] <colomon> yeah, okay, that won't ever do anything useful.
[18:36] --> isBEKaml has joined this channel (~k...@
[18:36] <isBEKaml> hello, #perl6!
[18:36] <colomon> o/
[18:37] <-- proller has left this server (Ping timeout: 260 seconds).
[18:37] <bbkr> colomon: so is it bug or not (despite code being pointless)?
[18:37] <colomon> btw, I don't see any obvious way to type \ on my phone, 
which means if I irc from it one hand will get worn out.
[18:38] <colomon> bbkr: definite bug, I'd say.

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