On Wed Sep 16 05:57:09 2009, masak wrote:
> <masak> rakudo: role A { method foo { self.Str } }; say A.foo
> <p6eval> rakudo a9ff30: OUTPUT«()<0xb6ace1c8>␤»
> * masak submits rakudobug
> I guess we're punning the role into a class here. Maybe that class
> should stringify to 'A()<0xb6ace1c8>' instead of no name before the
> parentheses.

In current Rakudo:

02:32 <@jnthn> rakudo: role A { method foo { self.Str } }; say A.foo
02:32 <+p6eval> rakudo 475d1c: OUTPUT«A()<0x34accc0>␤»

Giving to moritz++ for spectests.



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