# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #75558]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=75558 >

<moritz_> should rule { <value> ** \, }  and  rule { <value> ** [ \, ]
}  be the same in terms of <.ws> handling?
<pmichaud> in ultimate effect they're largely the same
<pmichaud> there may be some case where they're not perfectly the same.
<pmichaud> because [ \, ]  has some extra <.ws> calls
<moritz_> because in rakudo I see difference in the whitespace handling
<pmichaud> I'm not sure that rakudo/nqp gets the whitespace handling
around ** exactly right.
<pmichaud> PGE had it there, but I don't know that I ever restored it for nqp-rx
<pmichaud> I think nqp-rx still treats   { <value> ** \, }  exactly
the same as   { <value>**\, }
<moritz_> that would explain my observations
<masak> ...which are...? :)
<moritz_> some of my tests fails when I write <value> ** \, but pass
if I write <value> ** [ \, ]
<moritz_> rakudo: say 'a,b,c' ~~ /:s <alpha> ** \,/
<p6eval> rakudo 2242ef: OUTPUT«a,b,c␤»
<moritz_> rakudo: say 'a, b, c' ~~ /:s <alpha> ** \,/
<p6eval> rakudo 2242ef: OUTPUT«a␤»
<masak> can I submit that to RT?
<moritz_> yes, please
* masak submits rakudobug

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