# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #76242]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=76242 >

<masak> rakudo: my $a = [1, 2, 3]; foo($a); bar($a); sub foo(@a) { say
@a.perl }; sub bar(@a is copy) { say @a.perl }
<p6eval> rakudo 05684c: OUTPUT«[1, 2, 3]␤[[1, 2, 3]]␤»
<masak> that one's new, isn't it?
* masak submits rakudobug
<pmichaud> masak: that one is interesting.  I'm not sure it's a bug.
<mathw> pmichaud: it is quite surprising...
<masak> pmichaud: oh, come on! :/
<mathw> although I suspect flattening would hide it in many cases
<pmichaud> my $a = [1,2,3];   my @b = $a;   say @b.perl;
<masak> pmichaud: er. put differently, where does the spec say
"putting 'is copy' on an array gives you an extra layer of array"?
<moritz_> rakudo: sub bar(@a is copy) { say @a.perl }; say bar [1, 2, 3]
<p6eval> rakudo 05684c: OUTPUT«[[1, 2, 3]]␤1␤»
<moritz_> pmichaud: that's assignment
<moritz_> pmichaud: signature binding is *binding*
<pmichaud> moritz_: except for is_copy
<pmichaud> it's the same logic by which
<pmichaud> my $b = [1,2,3];  sub xyz($x is copy) { $x[1] = 'b'; };
xyz($b);  say $b.perl;
<pmichaud> rakudo: my $b = [1,2,3];  sub xyz($x is copy) { $x[1] =
'b'; };  xyz($b); say $b.perl;
<p6eval> rakudo 05684c: OUTPUT«[1, "b", 3]␤»
<pmichaud> anyway, I can fix it.
<pmichaud> I agree that the other interpretation likely makes more sense.
<masak> rakudo: my $a = 5; sub bar(@a is copy) { say @a.perl }; bar($a)
<p6eval> rakudo 05684c: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for parameter
'@a'; expected Positional but got Int instead␤  in 'bar' [...]
<masak> pmichaud: if the above doesn't bind, why does my first line
give double arrays?
<masak> seems very arbitrary.
<pmichaud> I just said I wasn't certain of it.  :-)
<masak> just trying to make you even less certain :P
<pmichaud> the "is copy" logic is still not completely nailed down,
based on discussion with TimToady++ at yapc::na
<masak> I do see the parallel with attr arrays and :attr[]. by the way.
<pmichaud> anyway, the one thing I *am* certain of is that "is copy"
is not "binding". Indeed, the whole point of "is copy" is to avoid the
bind.  :-)
<mathw> yes that's what I thought :)
<moritz_> I thought it copied, and then binds
<pmichaud> okay, one can think of it that way.  :-)
<pmichaud> but it's not binding to the argument
<pmichaud> in the same way,   my @b = $a;  is a bind only in the sense
that we bind he symbol '@b' to an array before doing the assign
<pmichaud> anyway, I know the fix.  Should be one-line :)
<pmichaud> did the ticket get filed yet?

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