# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #76432]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=76432 >

<ingy> I just found a crazy error in rakudo
<moritz_> RT has ~600 of those :-)
<moritz_> but do tell
<ingy> you can't name a subroutine "${keyword}_text"
<ingy> like get_foo
<ingy> or lt_foo
<ingy> knowing TimToady, this is probably a feature
<moritz_> rakudo: sub get_foo() { say 3 }; get_foo()
<p6eval> rakudo e59795: OUTPUT«3␤»
<ingy> hmm
* moritz_       doesn't see the problem
<ingy> you need newlines in there
<ingy> not a one liner
<ash_> rakudo: sub get_fun() { ␤ say 3␤ } ␤get_fun
<p6eval> rakudo e59795: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Confused at line 11, near
"sub get_fu"␤»
<ingy> :)
<moritz_> now *that's* weird
<moritz_> please submit!
<ash_> rakudo: sub get_fun() { ␤ say 3␤ }; ␤get_fun
<p6eval> rakudo e59795: OUTPUT«3␤»
<ash_> its the mixing ; ? sub's don't always need those though, right?
<moritz_> after }\n the ; should be optional
<ingy> rakudo: sub gxt_fun() { ␤ say 3␤ }; ␤gxt_fun
<p6eval> rakudo e59795: OUTPUT«3␤»
<ingy> see?!
<masak> ingy: crazy bug. pmichaud discovered something similar (but
not identical) about a month ago.
<ingy> masak: can you file that for me? :)
<masak> jnthn, diakopter: exercising the right to lay down arms?
* masak submits rakudobug

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