
Please have a look at the "layout-basic" branch (I'll get rid of the
"page-dimensions" and "fixquotes" branches, as their features are
included in this one):

    . Uses a lot of Nikolai Prokoschenko's general design (from the
    "latex-tweaking" branch). One thing I did not use was the syntax
    highlighting, as there is currently no way to correctly do it for
    Perl6 code. Also, I have not (yet) reintroduced the page
    headers/footers he had, as these caused a bunch of "overfull
    hboxes" that I found really annoying and could not fix (yet). The
    .sty file also feels a less cargo-culted. Sorry Nikolai! :)

    . Incorporates Dean Serenevy's sidebar proposition ("ng" branch).

    . Can build the book in both a4 and letter paper sizes, but with
    essentially indentical layout and with page breaks occurring in
    the same places.

    . Uses a (modified to use the xetex engine) makefile designed for
    LaTeX (by Chris Monson); it takes care of rerunning latex when it
    needs to (for indexes, etc.), has easier to read error messages,

    . Introduces a 'test' book, to see how things look (still needs

At least some of the remaining problems:

    . 'programlisting', 'screen', indented: line numbers, indent, by
    how much?

    . Font choices: could be explored some more.

    . Some verbatim things are still broken (e.g., tildes (~) are not
    printed, as they are interpreted as non-breaking spaces).

    . There are some LaTeX errors/warnings that I don't understand.

    . Sections and table of contents: how much numbering?

    . Do we want smart quotes in the main text? (plain quotes
    currently, I think).

So to build the PDF book:

    . Checkout the "layout-basic" branch.

    . Invoke one of the following:

        make TEST=1
        make TEST=1 PAPER=letter
        make PAPER=letter

Comments welcome.

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