Larry Wall wrote:
On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 11:53:27PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
: In particular, consider that pi ~~ 0..4 is true,
:  because pi is within the range; but pi ~~ 0...4 is false, because pi
: is not one of the generated elements.

Small point here, it's not because pi is fractional: 3 ~~ 0...4 is
also false because 3 !eqv (0,1,2,3,4).  There is no implicit any()
on a smartmatch list pattern as there is in Perl 5.  In Perl 6 the
pattern 0..4 may only match a list with the same 5 elements in the
same order.

For some reason I thought smart match in Perl 6, when presented with some collection on the right-hand side, would test if the value on the left-hand side was contained in the collection.

So, for example:

  my @ary = (1,4,3,2,9);
  my $test = 3;
  $test ~~ @ary;  # TRUE

Similarly, since a range represents a set of all values between 2 endpoints, I might have thought this would be reasonable:

  3 ~~ 1..5  # TRUE

So if that doesn't work, then what is the canonical way to ask if a value is in a range?

Would any of these be reasonable?

  3 ~~ any(1..5)

  3 in 1..5

  3 ∈ 1..5  # Unicode alternative

-- Darren Duncan

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