On Fri Mar 20 06:32:05 2009, amire80 wrote:
> `cat build/PARROT_REVISION' :
> 37414
> `./perl6 -v' :
> This is Rakudo Perl 6, revision 37562 built on parrot 1.0.0-devel
> for cygwin-thread-multi-64int.
> This is Cygwin on XP.
> Parrot from SVN compiled nicely and `make test' was successful.
> I put Rakudo from git under parrot/languages/rakudo . It compiled
> nicely and `../../parrot perl6.pbc' did the right thing, but `make
> test' didn't work.
> Moritz suggested on IRC that i try perl6.exe, which didn't do anything
> and just went back to the prompt. So jnthn suggested copying
> libparrot.dll from the parrot dir. There's libparrot.dll, but copying
> cygparrot1_0_0.dll to the Rakudo dir helped - perl6.exe now works and
> `make test' passes.

Has this issue been fixed in more recent releases?  I seem to recall we had 
some cygwin fixes 
in the past year...

Will "Coke" Coleda

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