# New Ticket Created by  Stephane Payrard 
# Please include the string:  [perl #77146]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=77146 >

I edited my garbled sentences.

[15:28:22]  <cognominal> I know that a match is both an array and a
hash and that both containers have a .keys method. But I would expect
 .keys for a Match to return a list of the named reductions
[15:28:37]  <cognominal> rakudo:  grammar A { token TOP { <a> }; token
a { a } };  class A::A {   method TOP($/) { say $<a>.keys }} ;
A.parse( 'a', :actions(A::A))
[15:28:42]  <p6eval> rakudo 4bd478: OUTPUT«␤»
[15:29:09]  <moritz_> the spec isn't clear on that point
[15:31:36]  <cognominal> I think it can be useful on actions for a
rule that is a mere alternation list.       method alternation($/) {
   make $/."{($/.keys)[0]}".ast } # if I got that right
[15:32:00]  <masak> fwiw, I'd also expect the subrule names from .keys
[15:32:31]  <moritz_> cognominal: are you sure you don't want .caps for that?
[15:33:06]  * masak .oO( .shower-caps )
[15:33:24]  <moritz_> that said, I could very well live with
Match.keys returning (Match.list.keys, Match.hash.keys)
[15:33:41]  <moritz_> and likewise .values and .kv

cognominal stef

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