Carl (>>), Aaron (>):
>> * Grammars define a hierarchical structure that seems to be perfect
>> for encoding the packing of larger pieces of data, for example when
>> serializing an object structure. Could one use grammars, or something
>> very much like it, as a "modern" &pack template?
> A while back we had a fairly productive conversation about matching regexes
> on non-textual data:

Interesting thread.

> My proposal there is incomplete, but matching structured data (even if that
> structure is just a sequence of non-textual bytes) using rules definitely
> makes sense to me. The real question is: what is the least invasive way to
> do it? Modifying nqp for this purpose would, I think, not make sense. I
> think we'd need a pure Perl implementation of the rules engine that could
> match either text or data, and that's a gigantic undertaking.

Crazy people have been known to implement the rules engine in Perl 6,
even... :-)

But I think we can get away much cheaper than that. If we contend
ourselves with keeping an early sublanguage inside strings, or with
some well-chosen subroutine names, we could experiment with
hierarchical matchers today in Rakudo. I'd love for someone to develop
a proof-of-concept module for something like this; both matching on
binary data, and the hierarchy matcher described in your thread.

In fact, jnthn++ had a talk at YAPC::EU the other week where he showed
how nested signatures can be used to make hierarchical matches. A
proof-of-concept module could simply be some sugar around this already
existing functionality.

// Carl

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