On Fri Jul 09 03:45:52 2010, pawel.pab...@implix.com wrote:
> [12:43] <bbkr> std: 555 ~~!~~ 666
> [12:43] <p6eval> std 31588:
> OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␀Expecting a
> term, but found either infix ~~ or redundant prefix ~␀  (to suppress
> this
> message, please use space between ~ ~) at /tmp/EZ59HXaH3Q line
> 1:␀------> 
> [32m555 ~~!~~⏏ 666␀Parse failed␀FAILED 00:01 112m␀»
> [12:43] <bbkr> rakudo: 555 ~~!~~ 666
> [12:43] <p6eval> rakudo 1086ff:  ( no output )
> [12:44] <jnthn> heh
> [12:44] <jnthn> bet it parsed as
> [12:44] <jnthn> 555 ~~ !(~(~(666)))

This is actually failing differently via evalbot & the REPL:

>  555 ~~!~~ 666
Confused at line 1, near " 555 ~~!~~"


00:50 <[Coke]> rakudo: 555 ~~!~~ 666
00:50 <p6eval> rakudo 67778a:  ( no output )

Will "Coke" Coleda

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