# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #77322]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=77322 >

>From <http://use.perl.org/~JonathanWorthington/journal/39856>:

] Added handling of the grammar package declarator back in. Now the
] "inherit from Grammar by default and not Any" stuff is just done by
] us having a metaclass for grammars - GrammarHOW - that subclasses
] the metaclass for classes - ClassHOW. It simply overrides the
] compose method (what we call when we're finished defining a package)
] and checks if there are any explicit parents, and if not adds Grammar
] as a parent, then delegates up to the superclass to do the rest of the work.

<masak> rakudo: class A {}; grammar G is A { regex TOP { foo } }; G.parse("foo")
<p6eval> rakudo 90637b: OUTPUT«Method 'parse' not found for invocant
of class '' [...]
<masak> I know, that's a bit of "doctor, it hurts when I do this"...
<moritz_> masak: I'd say it's a bug. 'grammar' should add Grammar to
the list of its parents, unless one of the explicit parents is Grammar
<moritz_> at least I think that's what it should do.
<masak> oh, good.
* masak submits rakudobug
<moritz_> and I know where to fix it
<moritz_> src/metamodel/GrammarHow.pir around line 41
<jnthn> :-)
<jnthn> Yes, that's HOW.
<moritz_> if it were written in Perl 6, I'd say  if
none(@parents>>.isa(Grammar)) { $P0.add_parent(Grammar, $P0) }
<jnthn> It'll be written in NQP at some point.
<moritz_> jnthn: how hard would it be to rewrite it now?
<jnthn> moritz_: Probably quite easy.
<jnthn> Though a bit messy, since for now you'd still need pir::foo I guess

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