On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Will Coleda via RT
<perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> On Mon Mar 23 13:09:56 2009, szab...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I am not sure if this is a Parrot or Rakudo bug
>> or just a plain invalid usage on my side.
>> The following code runs, prints the prompt but when I
>> enter a response I get a Segmentation fault.
>> Gabor
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> # Needs two environment variables:
>> # PARROT_DIR needs to point to the directory where parrot was checked out
>> # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PARROT_DIR/blib/lib/
>> # cwd still needs to be PARROT_DIR or I get the following error:
>> #"load_bytecode" couldn't find file 'PCT.pbc'
>> #current instr.: '' pc 743 (src/classes/Object.pir:20)
>> #called from Sub 'myperl6' pc 3 (EVAL_1:3)
>> # Before running I had to build Parrot::Embed:
>> # cd $ENV{PARROT_DIR}/ext/Parrot-Embed/
>> # perl Build.PL
>> # perl Build
>> # perl Build test
>> die "need PARROT_DIR" if not $ENV{PARROT_DIR};
>> unshift @INC, (
>>               "$ENV{PARROT_DIR}/ext/Parrot-Embed/blib/lib",
>>               "$ENV{PARROT_DIR}/ext/Parrot-Embed/blib/arch",
>>               );
>> require Parrot::Embed;
>> my $interp = Parrot::Interpreter->new;
>> my $perl6 =<<"END_PIR";
>> .sub myperl6
>>         .param string    in_string
>>         load_bytecode '$ENV{RAKUDO_DIR}/perl6.pbc'
>>         \$P0 = get_hll_global 'prompt'
>>         .tailcall \$P0('Enter your name: ')
>> .end
>> my $eval = $interp->compile( $perl6 );
>> my $foo = $interp->find_global('myperl6');
>> my $pmc = $foo->invoke( 'PS', 'say "hello"' );
>> print $pmc->get_string(), "\n";
> Gabor -
> Sorry for the delay in responding. This ticket is over a year old - can you 
> still reproduce this
> problem?

Yes, this still gives me segmentation fault but now the test suit of
Parrot::Embed also fails with

ga...@localhost:~/work/rakudo/parrot/ext/Parrot-Embed$ perl Build test
t/00-load.t .... ok
t/interp.t ..... 1/23 Parrot VM: Can't stat no file here, code 2.
/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol: Parrot_PMC_get_cstring
t/interp.t ..... Dubious, test returned 127 (wstat 32512, 0x7f00)
Failed 5/23 subtests


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