On Thu, Sep 02, 2010 at 03:02:43AM -0700, Paweł Pabian wrote:
> Star 2010.08 release
> Run folloing code and it will start eating up memory quite fast.
> $ perl6 -e 'use Test; eval_lives_ok "" for 1..10000'
> [11:59] <moritz_> eval '' while 1; also leaks
> [11:59] <moritz_> so I think it's eval() that leaks

Currently each eval() execution results in compiling and
loading at least two additional Parrot subs into memory
that represent the eval'ed code.  As far as I can tell, 
once loaded there's currently no way for a Parrot Sub PMC 
to become "unloaded" or GC'ed -- it stays in memory until 
the process ends.  So, it's not too surprising the above leaks.

We probably need to file a Parrot ticket to get Parrot to
support garbage collection of Sub PMCs when they're no 
longer used.

We might be able to find a way for eval() to cache the
results of its compilation, so that if it's called again
given the same string and from the same outer context
it re-uses an already-compiled version rather than
re-compiling things anew.  But I don't envision that
being done anytime soon, and it won't help in the case
where each eval string is in fact different on each


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