# New Ticket Created by  Moritz Lenz 
# Please include the string:  [perl #78510]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=78510 >

01:31 <+p6eval> rakudo d35769: OUTPUT«"a" => 1␤»
01:32 < moritz_> rakudo: class A { method TOP($/) { make ( a => 1, b =>
2  ).hash } }; grammar B { token TOP { ^. } }; say B.parse('x',
01:32 <+p6eval> rakudo d35769: OUTPUT«("a" => 1, "b" => 2)␤»

The result should be the hash that the (a => 1, b => 2).hash generated,
instead it's just a list of of pairs.

Adding a $/.perl shows that it's the make() step that misbehaves, not
the retrieval via .ast:

01:31 < moritz_> rakudo: class A { method TOP($/) { make ( a => 1
).hash; say $/.perl } }; grammar B { token TOP { ^. } }; say
B.parse('x', :actions(A.new)).ast.perl
01:31 <+p6eval> rakudo d35769: OUTPUT«Match.new(␤ ast  => "a" => 1,␤
from => 0,␤ orig => "x",␤ to   => 1,␤)␤"a" => 1␤»

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