Buddha Buck wrote:
Is it too late in this discussion to point out that, in non-perl
usage, eigenstates are associated with the operator, not with the
value fed into the operator?
So asking for the eigenstates of a quantum superposition is asking the
wrong object for the property.

Probably is, yes :(. I argued the same thing a couple of years back (http://dave.whipp.name/sw/perl6/perl6_xmas_2008.html -- wow, p6/rakudo has advanced a lot since then!) when I suggested "bra-ket" notation for extracting the "values of a junction":

  $player_value = max |< 4..21 |==| $player_value_junc >|

(in this case, the value of a blackjack hand). Since then, I simplified this idea to use a more perl6ish meta-operator:

  $player_value = max 4..21 G== $player_value_junc

My current belief is that it is likely that there'll eventually be sufficient "core" functionality that I'll be able to implement something like this as a module. So I don't push it except when someone else starts a thread about the "values of a junction" :).


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