>The 'Is' prefix can be used on any property in 5.12 for which there is 
>no naming conflict.  The only naming conflicts are certain of the block 
>properties, such as Arabic.  IsArabic means the Arabic script.  InArabic 
>means the base Arabic block.  Personally, I find Is and In unintuitive, 
>and prefer to write sc=arabic or blk=arabic instead.

I agree.

>When Unicode proposed to add some properties in 5.2 that started with 
>'Is', there was significant enough protest that they backed off, and 
>promised never to do it again, adding a stability policy to 6.0 to that 
>effect.  Apparently a number of languages use 'Is' as a prefix.

Yes, that's right.  Even worse, there are languages that are very very 
bad about "Is" vs "In", giving the wrong sense to them.


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