Hi !

I'm kinda fan of perl language (v5)
and was curious to see how it has evolved in v6, 
and was kinda disappointed to see that
it's evolving in bit more cryptic direction than it was.

I would like to head into new natural language direction
- making language to be partly natural (can be
used in everyday communication) and partly constructed
(can execute as a program) - some ideas are written down here:


I'm searching for enthusiasts to continue evolving my ideas further.

My initial goal is to start scetching from two main languages:
perl (v5) and C (may be even lowering to assembly), and construct 
a bootstrap for new language from these two languages.

Further development, testing should proceed at least partly on
new language.

I would like to retune, determine and define absolute minimum of
language "words", which can be used in most efficient manner - however
what I have already understood is that make it simple on one side
makes language more complex on another side.

I accept any ideas suggestions from you.
Have a nice day!

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