Why use Perl 6 at this time what are the benefits besides what it has done 
(Moose-declare) object oriented programming for Perl 5? 

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Wendell Hatcher
Blogsite: http://thoughtsofaperlprogrammer.typepad.com/blog

On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:02 AM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am preparing a survey of the Perl Ecosystem which will take the TPF
> survey and extend it.
> We will have questions about usage of Perl 5 and we think there should
> be also questions
> about Perl 6.
> So far I came up with only one:
> How much Perl 6 do you know ?
>  answers:
>     - none
>     - I read some of the docs and wrote small snippets of code
>     - I wrote module(s)
>     - I use it in production environment
> I'd be happy to get your input on how else would you put this question or
> what possible other answers you would allow.
> If you have other ideas what you would like to ask the greater
> Perl Ecosystem please let me know that too.
> regards
>   Gabor
> ----
> Gabor Szabo                     http://szabgab.com/
> Perl Ecosystem Group       http://perl-ecosystem.org/

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