# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #83510]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=83510 >

<jnthn> std: 1 [[[+]]] 2
<p6eval> std 625303c: OUTPUT«ok 00:01 119m␤»
<jnthn> rakudo: say 1 [[[+]]] 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«3␤»
<jnthn> :)
<masak> rakudo: say 1 >>[[[[[RRRRR+]]]]]<< 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find sub
<masak> huh.
<moritz_> rakudo: say 1 [[RR+]] 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«3␤»
<moritz_> rakudo: say 1 >>[RR[RR+]]>> 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find sub
<moritz_> seems it doesn't like that hyper'ed
<jnthn> hmm
<masak> rakudo: say 1 >>R+<< 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«3␤»
<masak> rakudo: say 1 >>[+]<< 2
<p6eval> rakudo 684fdf: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Could not find sub &infix:<[+]>␤»
<masak> seems to be hyper and reduction together.
* masak submits rakudobug
<jnthn> oh
<jnthn> that's not a reduction
<jnthn> that's a bracketed infix
<jnthn> Or should be....
<masak> jnthn: oh, true.
<benabik> Does >>[+]<< Make sense?  Isn't [+] a listop, not a binop?
[+] 1, 2 not 1 [+] 2
<colomon> but rakudo screws it up
<colomon> If you use [+] as an infix, it's just +
<benabik> Non-intuitive, but okay.
<jnthn> The [+] in >>[+]<< is not related to [+] 1,2,3 style things.
It's just the same as >>+<<
<jnthn> Yeah, I was like "wtf" at first :)
<colomon> benabik: I'm not sure it isn't non-intuitive and not okay.  :)
<colomon> It seems a very very confusing overload.
<jnthn> colomon: Yeah, not sure why it screws it up

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