Branch: refs/heads/master

Commit: 411f2a59f5a8ed5ee134ccbeb78879e7f5713413
Author: Carl Masak <>
Date:   2011-03-05 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011)

Changed paths:
  M S32-setting-library/Containers.pod

Log Message:
[S32/Containers] removed parameter to .keys etc

You could match on indexes/keys using an optional parameter on the .keys,
.values, .pairs, .enums, .kv methods. I discovered this by accident, and
went to check the source of both Rakudo and Niecza. Neither implements this
parameter. It's a very old parameter, but it seems no-one has cared about
it enough to ask for it or implement it. Besides, there are better, more
readable ways to accomplish the same thing:

    %h.values(/^prefix/);                         # instead of this...

    %h.pairs.grep({.key ~~ /^prefix/})ยป.value;    # this{ $^value if $^key ~~ /^prefix/ }); # ...or this
    %h{%h.keys.grep(/^prefix/)};                  # ...or even this

There are plenty of alternative ways to emulate the functionality that
the parameter provided, all of them (in my opinion) more tractable.

Commit: d8e2c04218df041ebafd5da193663a28e4c7fa9b
Author: Carl Masak <>
Date:   2011-03-05 (Sat, 05 Mar 2011)

Changed paths:
  M S32-setting-library/Containers.pod

Log Message:
[S32/Containers] fixed typo


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