# New Ticket Created by  Timothy Bollman 
# Please include the string:  [perl #86906]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=86906 >

Location of Error:
Grammar.pm line 2158 (as of ~5:00 AM UTC on March 23): 
if +@parts != 2 {
    self.panic("Unable to find starter and stopper from '$opname'");

Short description of error:
self.panic isn't... panicking.

Sample code:

multi sub circumfix:<⌊⌋>($a)
    return $a.floor;
(There's no need to actually call it, the definition is enough).

Long description:
I was happily making a program that needed a floor operator.  So I figured I 
would define a circumfix floor operator using the unicode symbols.  But I 
didn't put a space between the two ends (having never created one before I was 
guessing on how to write it).  Alas, I got "Null PMC access in get_integer" 
thrown in my face.  Once I had traced it down to that space, I declared "ah! 
That's an easy enough thing to check for.  Easy patch".  A short grep later, I 
found the gen_op function in Grammar.pm and lo and behold, it was already 
checking for this error.  I put in  a debug say and it's getting to the check, 
so the logical conclusion is that the panic method isn't functioning like the 
developer expected (like perhaps it's not leaving the function).



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