On 08/21/2011 06:00 AM, Darren Duncan wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 04:41:08PM -0700, Darren Duncan wrote:
>>> I believe the general solution to this problem is to make all
>>> objects immutable, with the only exception being explicit
>>> references, and so mutating an object isn't an option; rather you
>>> have to derive a new object.
>>> "Values" of all types should be immutable, even if that type is
>>> Array or whatever, and only "Variables" should be mutable.
>>> ...
>> To make sure I understand correctly, you're essentially
>> saying that @a.push(3) should not modify @a directly -- someone
>> would have to write something like
>>      @a = @a.push(3)  # or @a .= push(3)
>> And to do a "shift", one would have to do something like
>>    ($value, @a) = @a;
>> since @a.shift would be unable to mutate the array.  (I'm not 
>> exactly sure what pop would look like.)
>> Is that correct?
> Yes, that's what I'm saying.
> And we've already been making moves in that direction.

Moving into the direction of immutability doesn't help with the problem
at hand -- it only helps here if we force everything(*) to be immutable,
or at least encapsulating every mutable object into special types, like
Monads in Haskell.

(*) ok, not everything, but everything that can be stored in an object

And I'd be very disappointed if Perl 6 turned into Haskell so late in
its development stage (remember that we have working compilers, a
growing number of modules and active users), especially since it's not
tailored to be a language that is tailored towards immutability.


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