Why not just skip August and do your first "nom" release when you would normally have done the 2011.09 one. That would be in about 2-3 weeks anyway. -- Darren Duncan

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
We have not as yet created a 2011.08 release based on nom.
After much useful discussion and contributions from people
on #perl6, I feel that there are still too many feature regressions and some performance regressions that really need to be addressed before making a release. Ultimately, it comes down to something like "It's far better to explain and justify delaying a release than to issue a release that we know will cause problems for our clients."

I don't want to specify an exact date for the next release;
certainly it will occur within the next two weeks.  As in
previous announcements, we continue to recommend using the Rakudo Star 2011.07 release until the releases from the new
development line are ready.

We did discuss the possibility of simply creating a 2011.08
release from the old branch, but since it would be essentially
identical to the 2011.07 that doesn't seem to serve much purpose
other than to fill a slot, so we've decided against that.

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