# New Ticket Created by  "Jimmy Zhuo" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #99462]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=99462 >

JimmyZ> rakudo: class A { has $!b = 10; method foo() { say self!b }; }; my $b = 
A.new; $b.foo # I think it's a bug
p6eva>  rakudo 35ec9c: OUTPUT«Method 'postcircumfix:<( )>' not found for 
invocant of class 'Mu'␤ in <anon> at src/gen/Metamodel.pm:3029␤ in method 
dispatch:<!> at src/gen/CORE.setting:644␤ in method dispatch:<!> at 
src/gen/CORE.setting:656␤ in method foo at /tmp/FherJzZ4W9:1␤ in <anon> at …
moritz> JimmyZ: should probably read 'Cannot find private method b in class A' 
or so

JimmyZ> b: class A { has $!b = 10; method foo() { say self!b }; }; my $b = 
A.new; $b.foo
p6eval> b 1b7dd1: OUTPUT«Method '!b' not found for invocant of class 'A'␤ in 
'A::foo' at line 22:/tmp/kH2gKWVHoK␤ in main program body at line 

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